Under the charge of the California Public Utilities Commission, CSE implemented the statewide marketing, education and outreach strategy of Energy Upgrade California® during 2011-2016. The comprehensive energy management initiative helped Californians take action to save energy, conserve natural resources, reduce demand on the electricity grid and make informed energy management choices at home and at work.
CSE used a wide range of marketing channels to increase brand awareness and engage consumers, including paid and earned media, digital and social media and the Energy Upgrade California website. In addition, the program conducted extensive personal outreach and education through events, retail stores, mobile displays and community-based organizations. CSE also engaged in partnerships and sponsorships with other stakeholders that reached the program’s targeted audiences and their influencers.

Energy Upgrade California Impacts

The Energy Upgrade California website was been visited by more than 1.1 million California residents (2014 - 2016).

Energy Upgrade California attended or hosted over 2,837 events, engaging directly with more than 434,000 individuals.
Program at a Glance
Program Goals
Create conscious, engaged consumers across California to help reach state, energy and greenhouse gas reduction goals
CSE's Role
Implementer for Energy Upgrade California’s statewide marketing, education and outreach campaign (2011-2016)
Key Partners
Investor-owned utilities, California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, other state agencies, regional energy networks, local governments
State Policies Supported
AB 32, AB 758, CEESP, Net Zero Energy by 2020
Impact Statement
Successfully managed transition of the statewide website, greatly increased brand awareness and facilitated numerous stakeholder interactions