CSE designs and administers cutting-edge clean transportation and distributed energy programs for governments, utilities and the private sector across the U.S.
California Statewide Direct Install Program
Center for Sustainable Energy is one of three regional administrators for a $567 million program designed to install energy-efficient technologies at no cost for low- and moderate-income households.
2025 - Present
Louisiana EV Charging Workforce Development
Through its administration of the San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition (SDRCCC), CSE is helping train Louisianans for new careers installing and maintaining electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
2023 - 2026
Driving Clean Assistance Program
Center for Sustainable Energy is partnering with Community Housing Development Corporation, Foundation of California Community Colleges and Grid Alternatives to implement California’s Driving Clean Assistance Program.
2024 - Present
Ride Clean Mass EV Incentives
Center for Sustainable Energy is a consultant and subcontractor for Massachusetts’ Ride Clean Mass program, offering the nation’s first statewide electric vehicle incentives exclusively for vehicle-for-hire drivers, such as Uber, Lyft and taxi drivers.
2024 - Present
ComEd Business and Public Sector EV Program
Center for Sustainable Energy is administering an $85 million rebate program for the Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd) to accelerate the transition of fleets to zero-emission commercial trucks and buses across northern Illinois.
2024 - Present
Charging Analytics Program
CSE is partnering with the Transportation Energy Institute (TEI) to accelerate the return on investment for installing and operating public electric vehicle charging stations in the U.S. and Canada through the Charging Analytics Program (CAP).
2024 - Present
Climate Action Plans for Southern California Tribal Nations
CSE is partnering with the La Jolla Band of Luiseño Indians and the San Pasqual Band of Mission Indians to develop and implement climate action plans to help combat climate pollution.
2023 - Present
Solar On Multifamily Affordable Housing
CSE is a key partner in administering California's Solar on Multifamily Affordable Housing (SOMAH) Program designed to benefit low-income and disadvantaged communities by incentivizing solar electric power.
2018 - Present
San Diego Solar Equity Program
CSE is partnering with San Diego Gas & Electric® (SDG&E)® and the city of San Diego in demonstrating how utilities and municipalities can make the cost-saving benefits of rooftop solar available to income-qualified families.
2022 - Present
Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles
CSE is the statewide administrator for the Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program that provides air pollution emission reductions for the commonwealth by increasing use of zero-emission electric vehicles.
2014 - Present
SDG&E Pre-Owned EV Rebate
The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) administers the SDG&E® Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle program that offers used electric vehicle (EV) incentives to San Diego Gas & Electric® customers.
2024 - Present
Connecticut eBike Incentive Program
As part of Connecticut’s transportation electrification efforts, CSE administers the state’s eBike Incentive Program that provides point-of-sale rebates to residents who buy eligible electric bicycles.
2023 - Present
Efficiency Maine’s EV Accelerator Program
The Center for Sustainable Energy supports Efficiency Maine’s Electric Vehicle Accelerator Program, which promotes the adoption of cleaner, more efficient and less costly to operate and maintain EVs.
2024 - Present
National Automobile Dealers Association Training Program
CSE is partnering with the National Automobile Dealers Association to provide an electric vehicle (EV) sales training certification program -- ElectrifiQ® -- to help dealerships across the country better engage and educate car shoppers about EVs.
2022 - Present
SCE Charge Ready Home
The Southern California Edison (SCE) Charge Ready Home program, administered by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE), is a multiyear initiative that provides rebates to SCE customers in income-qualifying households and disadvantaged communities.
2024 - 2026
California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project
The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) administers the largest EV infrastructure incentive program of its kind in the nation: the California Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Project (CALeVIP)
2017 - Present
PG&E Pre-Owned EV Rebate
The Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) administers the Pacific Gas and Electric Company Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle program that provides customers rebates for purchasing or leasing a used EV.
2023 - Present
Vermont Clean Transportation Incentive Programs
CSE administers several incentive programs for Vermont that provide residents and businesses cleaner and more affordable transportation options designed to help reduce state greenhouse gas emissions.
2022 - Present
Washington Electric Vehicle Charging Program
The Washington State Department of Commerce is partnering with the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE) to develop and launch an electric vehicle (EV) charger incentive program for communities across the state.
2023 - Present
PECO Commercial EV Charger Rebates
CSE administers a program that demonstrates the viability of electric vehicle (EV) charger “make-ready” rebates for commercial and industrial customers sponsored by PECO, an energy company in southeastern Pennsylvania.
2022 - Present
Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Project
CSE is the statewide administrator of the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (OCVRP) that provides incentives to consumers, nonprofits and businesses for purchasing or leasing new and used zero-emission vehicles.
2019 - Present
Self-Generation Incentive Program
CSE administers the Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP) in the San Diego Gas & Electric territory, providing rebates to utility customers who install clean and energy-efficient distributed generation and storage technologies that reduce on-site electrical demand and greenhouse gas emissions.
2001 - Present
Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate Program
CSE administers the Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate (CHEAPR) program, the first statewide program in the nation to offer EV rebates at the point-of-sale and to provide dealers an incentive for each eligible vehicle purchased or leased.
2015 - Present
Delaware Clean Vehicle Rebate Program
In 2023, the Center for Sustainable Energy became the administrator of Delaware’s Clean Vehicle Rebate Program (DECVRP), which provides cash incentives for buying or leasing new light-duty electric vehicles.
2015 - Present
San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition
CSE coordinates the San Diego Regional Clean Cities Coalition, part of a nationwide effort funded by the U.S. Department of Energy focused on increasing the use of alternative fuels and alternative fuel vehicles.
2010 - Present
MOR-EV Trucks
As part of the Massachusetts Offers Rebates for Electric Vehicles (MOR-EV) program, CSE administers the MOR-EV Trucks Program to provide air pollution emission reductions by increasing use of electric trucks, buses and vans.
2021 - Present
Energy Storage Permitting Guidebook
CSE is leading development of an Energy Storage Permitting Guidebook to help California local governments and agencies adopt standardized, streamlined procedures to expedite installations.
2021 - Present
Drive Clean Rebate Program - New York
CSE is the statewide administrator for the Drive Clean Rebate Program in New York that supports greenhouse gas reduction goals through greater use of clean vehicles.
2016 - Present
NY Truck Voucher Incentive Program
CSE provides customer service for applicants to the New York Truck Voucher Incentive Program, a fleet vehicle replacement initiative promoting use of zero-emission medium- and heavy-duty trucks and buses in the state.
2019 - Present
Charge Ready NY
CSE is statewide administrator of New York’s electric vehicle (EV) charging incentive program, Charge Ready New York, that funds installations at publicly and privately accessible facilities.
2018 - Present
DOE EMPOWER Workplace Charging Project
CSE has assisted a consortium of Clean City Coalitions in the Department of Energy-sponsored EMPOWER project to accelerate electric vehicle (EV) charging at workplaces nationwide, particularly in low-income and underserved communities.
2022 - 2024
Charge Up New Jersey
CSE administers New Jersey's statewide program allowing car buyers to get an incentive at participating car dealerships and apply it instantly to their purchase or lease of a new EV.
2020 - Present
SCE Pre-Owned EV Rebate
CSE administers the Southern California Edison Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle program that offers utility customers incentives to buy or lease a used EV.
2021 - Present
San Diego Regional Energy Innovation Network
Partnership connecting Southern California entrepreneurs to resources for bringing energy innovations to market.
2016 - 2026