Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Project


CSE is the statewide administrator of the Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Project (OCVRP) that provides incentives to consumers, nonprofits and businesses for purchasing or leasing new and used zero-emission vehicles.

An initiative of the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), the program offers point-of-sale rebates to individuals and post-purchase rebates for all others. OCVRP provides standard rebates up to $2,500 and up to $7,500 for low- to moderate-income households and low-income service providers. Launched in 2018, the DEQ selected CSE to administer and implement the program in 2019. 

Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Project

Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Project Impacts

31,000+ rebates

CSE has issued more than 31,000 rebates for zero-emission vehicles in Oregon.

$91+ million in rebates

CSE has issued more than $91 million in rebates for zero-emission vehicles in Oregon.

Program at a Glance

Program Goals

Encourage adoption of zero-emission vehicles, reduce vehicle emissions and air pollution and advance progress toward the state’s greenhouse gas reduction goals.

CSE's Role

Program administration

Website management

Rebate processing 

Income qualification

Measurement and evaluation.


CSE partners with Forth Mobility to conduct statewide education and outreach focusing on low- to moderate-income communities.


Electric Vehicles (EVs)

Key Partners

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality

Forth Mobility

State Policies Supported

 Statewide Clean Fuels Program

Senate Bill 1044 zero-emission vehicle adoption targets

Impact Statement

 OCVRP is reducing vehicle emissions and promoting greater adoption of electric vehicles across the state.